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2017-8-16 14:31:26



   陈泮岭 (1891-1967) 先生为20世纪杰出的武术家、武术教育家。曾任中央国术馆副馆长。其为人忠贞坚毅,曾创办河南国术馆,在中央国术馆副馆长任内。主编《国术教材编审委员会》,编写教材五十多种,为国术的传播教育做出了重要贡献。

   2017年9月,第二届“三亚南山”世界太极文化节期间,在南山将举行“ 陈泮岭先生逝世50周年纪念会”,海内外陈泮岭亲族及传人将汇聚一堂,共同缅怀并研讨其国术功绩及思想,共同促进武术文化之发展。著名武术文化学者余功保先生将出席纪念会并发表主题演讲。






   Master Chen Pan-Ling 50th Anniversary Memorial


   Organizer: Head Office of Chen Pan-Ling World Family

   時間:2017年九月24日:上午9:30 – 下午12:30

   Date:September 24, 2017

   Time:9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.


   Venue:Sanya, Hainan Island, China

   主持司儀:陳暁怡(谷村 暁子)

   Anchor: Master Chen Xia-Yi (Tanimura Xiayi)




   9:30 A.M.:Old photograph records of Master Chen Pan-Ling will be showed on a big projection screen.

   第一部分: "怀念先师陳泮嶺"

   Part 1: Memorial of Grand Master Chen Pan-Ling.

   1. 余功保老师致词

   Speech by Master Yu Kung-Bao

   2. 名家代表致词

   Speeches by Representatives of Famous Martial Artists

   3. 陳泮嶺传统武術世界家族總會各國代表致词(美国,日本,中国,台湾,法国,澳洲,爱尔兰,德国等,每個國家由一个代表发言)

   Speeches by Members of Chen Pan-Ling World Family (one representative from each country: America, Japan, China, Taiwan, France, Australia, Ireland and Germany).

   4. 世界家族總會會長致词

   Speech by Master Chen Xia-Yi, the head of Chen Pan-Ling World Family



   Part 2: Inheritance and Propagation


   11:00A.M.: Big screen displays photographs on how Chen Pan-Ling Martial Arts has been inherited, taught, and transmitted by Master Chen Pan-Ling"s descendants and disciples.


   Martial Arts Demonstration and Performance ( Individuals, Groups, different Tai Chi styles)


   Members of Chen Pan-Ling World Family perform and demonstrate Chen Pan-Ling Martial Arts.

   1: 99式太极拳(双边太极拳)

   Tai Chi 99 Form (Two-Side Taijiquan)


   Chen Pan-Ling World Family Group Performance of Tai Chi 99 Form (Approximately seven minutes: Split into 3 groups to demonstrate 1st, 2nd and 3rd section simultaneously)

   2: 龍形剑:(日本,美国分会)

   Dragon Sword (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, Japan & Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   3. 枪:(美国分会)

   Spear (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   4. 24短棍:(日,美分会)

   Short Stick - 24 Forms (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, Japan & Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   5. 六合刀:(美国分会)

   Six Harmonies Saber (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   6. 八卦棍:(美国分会)

   Bagua Stick (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   7. 八卦双剑:(美国,日本分会)

   Bagua Double Swords (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, Japan & Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   8. 峰拳:(美国分会  )

   Feng Quan (Chen Pan-Ling World Family, USA)

   C: 纪念會结束,行禮致意(予定12:30左右结束)

   The end of commemoration, salute and say goodbye (Estimated end time: 12:30 P.M.)





   The Introduction of Chen Pan-Ling World Family

   热爱陈泮嶺传统武術的朋友遍佈世界各地,在欧美、澳洲、日本、台湾,中国大陆都有研習陳派武學的協會和武館。的团体我们统称为“陳泮嶺传统武術世界家族總會”(Chen Pan-Ling World Family),總部设在日本福岡。

   Chen Pan-Ling World Family is a global operation with associations and martial art centres around the world, including Europe, North America, Australia, Japan and Taiwan. Chen Pan-Ling World Family was founded in the spring of 2015 with its headquarter located in Fukuoka, Japan.




   Grand Master Chen Pan-Ling devoted his lifetime and made tremendous contribution to Chinese education, water resources projects and martial arts research and development. In the late 1940’s, he moved to Taiwan and continued investing time and efforts in teaching and training martial arts disciples and students. From his early childhood, Master Chen Pan-Ling was trained under several most accomplished martial arts masters through divine and authentic transmission. Within a decade, his students, disciples and followers can be found everywhere in the world. The title of "Grand Scholarly Knight" was thereby awarded to him for his literary grace and martial virtues. He was well known for his noble character traits of loyalty, prowess and courage, righteousness.




   In 2007, Master Chen Yun-Ching and many Chen Pan-Ling martial arts lovers, students, disciples gathered in Taiwan for a memorial service marking the 40th anniversary of Grand Master Chen Pan-Ling"s passing. Ever since then, Master Chen Yun-Ching and Master Chen Xiao-Yi have been travelling together, offering various teaching seminars and presentations, facilitating cultural and research exchange. An annual symposium is subsequently held in different cities all around the world. For years, they have trained a large number of high-quality coaches and martial artists and fulfilled their duties of promoting Chen Pan-Ling martial arts and culture.



   Master Chen Yun-Ching, the fourth son of Grand Master Chen Pan-Ling, was the chairman and the Second Principal of Ling-Yun Pai. In April 2015, upon his retirement at the Age of 76, Master Chen Yun-Ching passed his title to Master Chen Xiao-Yi (the granddaughter of Chen Pan-Ling) as the new (the Third) Principal of Ling-Yun Pai at the Sympodium of Chen Pan-Ling Martial Arts in Fukuoka, Japan. Master Chen Yun-Ching continues to hold the position of Chief Advisor of Chen Pan-Ling World Family. 




   Members of Chen Pan-Ling World Family not only meet every year, but also attend quite regularly various international seminars, martial arts and Tai Chi competitions, winning numerous championship medals and titles. 




   As a non-profit organization, Chen Pan-Ling World Family has four core values, which we refer to as Loyalty, Courage, Righteousness and Morality. Our goal is to inherit, transmit, develop and spread Chinese martial arts, promote physical fitness, healthy lifestyle and understanding of traditional Chinese martial arts and culture for the service and welfare of mankind.